Our Podcast

DevShop Stories

Learn all about running a development shop from our team members, as they share experiences and challenges from past clients.

DevShop stories podcast

From React to Svelte - A Devshop's Journey

RedSky Engineering transitioned from React to Svelte due to challenges with React’s client-side rendering and the cumbersome nature of large projects. They found Svelte's simplicity, efficiency, and robust community support more appealing.

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Development - Where the Plan is Put Into Place

RedSky discusses their development methodology and the benefits of using sprints. Tanner Barney discusses the development stage and explains why and how we pre-plan each sprint and procedure.

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Devshop Stories #1 - The Story of Our Origin

Josh and Tanner talk about the challenges they faced when launching a software development business. They discuss how they got started in the business, the difficulties they encountered as a software development company before branching out into virtual reality and powder coating. They also share a

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Quality Assurance lead Dan Bigler wearing a RedSky t-shirt

QA Testing - The Last Step Before Deployment

RedSky discusses the importance of quality assurance. Dan Bigler explains our testing procedure and explains what quality assurance is and how we implement it in our processes.

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DevShop stories mascot, the man with a computer for a head.

DevShop Stories #13 - Developer House of Horror Stories Pt. 2

Josh and Kai explore more terrifying tales in this episode, both from their own personal experiences and those of online users.

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a Figma UI branding and component kit

19 Essentials for an Effective Figma Style Guide

What is a style guide? This article discusses what a style guide is and how to use one effectively.

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