How To Bypass AI Detectors


How To Bypass AI Detectors

With the popularity of AI on the rise, thanks to ChatGPT, it's valuable to know how AI detectors function so we can beat them at their own game.

With the popularity of AI on the rise, thanks to ChatGPT, it's valuable to know how AI detectors function so we can beat them at their own game. AI has countless positive applications, from generating fresh ideas, to writing content, or even for dodging a spam filter. While AI detectors have positive applications, they also present roadblocks. Which brings us to why we put together a guide on how to bypass AI detectors. In this guide, we'll look at some tactics for getting around these detectors and to help your content sneak by undetected. So if you're done with these AI detectors holding you back, read on to learn how to bypass them like a boss.


The Science Behind AI Detectors

In order to beat AI detectors, we must learn their fundamentals and how they work. AI detectors use a variety of techniques to analyze and understand data. These detectors rely on machine learning algorithms that can recognize patterns and make predictions based on large amounts of data.  

Fundamental number 1: Each person has a unique writing style, from the language and sentence structure to the tone they use. AI generators also have their own distinctive signature.

Fundamental number 2: AI detectors concentrate on the complexity or randomness of the text. AI generators often produce very uniform and dry content, which is not human-like. While this may reflect how some write, most real humans do not write in the manner.

Fundamental number 3: AI detectors utilize natural language processing (NLP) to evaluate text data, which involves breaking the text into smaller components such as words and phrases.

One of the challenges with AI detectors is that they can be tricked by intentionally manipulated data or adversarial examples. Adversarial examples are inputs that are specifically created to deceive AI detectors by introducing small alterations that are difficult to detect by humans. Researchers are constantly developing new techniques to make AI detectors more robust and dependable.

From AI Generated Content to Human-like Content

These steps that I am sharing with you are not guaranteed to convert your AI-generated content to human-like content, but rather, they are a set of guidelines that worked for me. Ultimately, you must use your own judgment.

  • Test different prompts Example: (Write in a 9th grade reading level)
  • Use a jailbroken version of ChatGPT
  • Ask ChatGPT to Make these paragraphs undetectable by AI detectors [insert writing]
  • Run AI generated content through AI detectors
  • Revise and reiterate AI generated content

Our In-depth Guide

The first step is to generate your content. When generating your content, you have a couple options. For example, you can ask ChatGPT, "Write this in a 9th grade reading level (insert prompt). This will simplify your writing to a lower reading level and can help convey human-like content. But for this example, we’re going to use this prompt:

Prompt “Write a 75 word paragraph talking about the relevancy of AI generators"


ChatGPT: AI generators have become increasingly relevant in today's world due to their ability to produce a wide variety of content with remarkable speed and accuracy. From generating natural language text, images, and videos to composing music and creating 3D models, AI generators are proving to be powerful tools in various industries, including entertainment, marketing, and e-commerce. They are also being used to streamline workflow processes and optimize efficiency in various fields such as healthcare and finance. As AI technology continues to advance, the relevancy of AI generators will only continue to increase, opening up new possibilities for innovation and growth.


If we run this through GPTZero an AI Detection Software, it will flag it as AI generated content. With a Perplexity Score of 30 and a Burstiness score of 7. So how do we bypass this?

AI Detectors use Perplexity and Burstiness Scores to determine if the text is likely to be written by a human or AI.

Perplexity Scores: Is a metric that evaluates a language model's ability to predict the next word in a sequence. It's calculated by dividing the normalized inverse probability of the test set by the number of words in the test set.

Burstiness Scores: Measures how often a word appears in clusters or bursts within a text corpus. A higher score means the word is more likely to appear in bursts.

Breaking The AI Detector

We can first start working on improving our text. It's important to review the generation and clean up the wording and sentence structure. Remember, AI writes very formally. Go through and give it that human touch it needs.

Bellow is our revision of that article, we cut out some sentences that was unnecessary and condensed the rest.

Our Human Revision: AI generators have become increasingly more relevant in today's world due to their ability to produce a wide variety of content with great speed and accuracy.AI can generate text, images, videos, and more. AI generators are proving to be powerful tools in various industries especially in, marketing and e-commerce. They can also being used to show workflow processes and optimize efficiency in various fields. As AI technology continues to advance, the relevancy of AI generators will only continue to increase, opening up new possibilities for innovation and growth.

GPTZero (1).png

With just minor changes to the content, we were able to get a perplexity score of 73 and a burstiness score of 79! This is a huge improvement just by removing and editing some sentences. This process can be very tedious for long generations but their is a faster way.

Jailbreaking ChatGPT

There are many ways to jailbreak ChatGPT to make your generations more detailed and less robotic. This website,, shows you which prompts are currently working that you can use to jailbreak ChatGPT.

How this process works is by using very detailed and specific prompts that trick the AI into stepping outside of its given rules. For the next example, we are going to use the Aligned jailbreak. depending on the prompt that you use will determine your outcome. There are many communities out there trying to break ChatGPT.

Too Long Didn't Read

AI detectors are becoming increasingly popular, and as a result, it's important to know how they function so we can bypass them. While AI detectors have a range of positive applications, they can also present roadblocks. The Science Behind AI Detectors shows that each person has a unique writing style, and AI detectors focus on the complexity and randomness of the text. However, they can be fooled. By following the guide outlined in this article, we can bypass AI detectors by generating human-like content. It is important to remember that these steps are not guaranteed to convert your AI-generated content to human-like content but are guidelines that have worked for some. Finally, by Jailbreaking ChatGPT, we can make our generations more detailed and less robotic, which is useful in getting around AI detectors. Keep in mind that technology changes fast, so be sure you test your AI generated content in AI detectors before submitting them as your own work. Better to be safe than sorry

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